
News update
Commending the

Zhejiang Tianma Bearing Group Co., Ltd. held the 2017 Annual Advanced Award Conference on February 2, 2008. More than 50 outstanding Tianma employees and two Tianma craftsmen were commended at the conference.

On behalf of the company's management team, the chairman of the board of directors Ma Xingfa extended his sincere condolences and heartfelt thanks to all the cadres, staff and branches stationed abroad for their diligent efforts. He said that the outstanding employees of the company in 2017 are typical of Tianma people's positive, dedicated and selfless work, reflecting Tianma's "craftsmanship" and hope that all Tianma people will look up to them. As long as we maintain this spirit, Tianma bearing will usher in a new development in 2018.

The picture shows the company leader's Award for the excellent staff of Tianma in 2017.


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