
News update
Tianma bearings, excellent material development, add another weapon.

Material performance is one of the key factors determining the quality of bearings. Zhejiang Tianma Bearing Group Co., Ltd. is committed to the research of high-end bearing materials. In early 2017, Zhejiang Tianma Bearing Group Co., Ltd. imported a set of most advanced equipment from developed countries, and added a new tool for the development and production of excellent new materials.

Precision bearings produced with this new material can achieve extremely high performance in service life, stability, toughness, ductility and strength, and can be used in key components of high-end areas of the national economy. At present, the company has made significant breakthroughs in introducing, absorbing and innovating. It indicates that the development and production of long life high-end precision bearings of Tianma Bearing has stepped up a new step.

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